at NeoCon 2024


Construction: HIGURE 17-15 cas
Design development: Steven Leach Group
Creative Direction: Takanari Yoshida、Ken Isome
Art Director: Yuto Kanke
Copywriter: Ken Isome、Kan Fukasawa
Producer: Shogo Imai
Photographer: Tomooki Kengaku

Our NeoCon 2024 exhibition design for Okamura, Japan’s No.1 office furniture brand. “To the last detail” is Okamura’s global brand concept and the theme of their Chicago exhibition.

Every aspect of their furniture is meticulously crafted, with nothing overlooked. We expressed Okamura’s philosophy through a space that embodies Japanese craftsmanship and aesthetics.

The Okamura space at NeoCon 2024, the world’s largest commercial interior design exhibition, consisted of three main sections: “Installation”, “Engineering”, and “Scene”. In “Installation”, we showcased the newly-evolved version of Okamura's original multi-density cushioning technology. Visitors were able to sit on a giant sofa and experience for themselves the comfort of its Japan-born, 100% recyclable material. In the 'Engineering' section, we highlighted the precise techniques and skills behind Okamura's products, including the hidden components, layers, and surfaces, treating them with a reverence normally reserved for traditional Japanese craft wares. Lastly, the “Scene” section allowed visitors to experience how these elements come together in context.

Each section and its display units were arranged according to a 500×500mm grid, giving the entire space a sense of high-precision in technology. The use of exposed flooring reflected a Japanese aesthetic of revealing the essence by eliminating excess, as well as a deep desire to exhibit in harmony with the history of the Merchandise Mart.

日本のシェアNo.1オフィス家具ブランドOkamuraの展示設計。世界最大級のオフィス家具の見本市NeoCon2024に出展。コンセプトは「To the last detail.」。日本ならではの精緻なクラフトマンシップや美意識を背景に、製品の目に見えないところにまで心づかいを積み重ねるOkamuraの思想を空間として体現した。主な構成は3つ。「インスタレーション」では、異なる硬度を一体成型する独自の技術「異硬度クッション」を、100%リサイクル可能な新素材で巨大なクッションとして再現し、未来の座り心地を体験させた。「エンジニアリング」では、製品の裏側や内側に潜んでいる精密な技術や機能を工芸品のように紹介。「シーン」では、それらの技術が実装された製品を体験できる。また、すべてのエリアや什器を500×500mmのグリッド内に配置し、空間全体から精度の高い技術力を感じさせた。剥き出しの床には、余分を拝して本質を浮かび上がらせる日本の美意識や、歴史と共生するサスティナブルな思想を反映した。
